Call of Duty

Call of duty has been around for over 10 years now, 15 if your counting. we currently have 3 main deveolpers on board for developing these games. they are named: sledgehammer games, Treyarch, and Infinity ward. Its a 3 year deveoping cycle that switches every year. they cycle through dlc in that year period and by janruary every year a reveal for the next game comes. usually every year cod comes out in novemeber except for this year with black ops 4 which is set to release in october. the charecters in cod are much more rememberable from the old games then the new ones becuase its a large majority that says cod is going down the tubes. Normally there are differnt classes of weapons and you unlock more in those categories as you progress,there are Assault rifles, submatchine guns, shotguns, Handguns, and special like rocket launchers, and riot shields.
  1. History

  2. Charecters

  3. weapons